Reading Challenges for 2022

Posted January 4, 2022 by Alana in Bookish, Reading Challenges / 1 Comment

Reading Challenges for the new year
Reading Challenges for the new year

A fresh start in the new year is always exciting for me. This year I really needed it especially with reading and blogging. This year I am jumping back on with some reading challenges I’ve found while poking around! Reading challenges are a fun way to challenge yourself to read outside your comfort zone with genres or revisit beloved tropes. I am a mood reader but I still enjoy having some direction to help keep me out of the dreaded reading slumps. My overall reading goal is 150 books, with at least a few of those being audiobooks. I tend to read books between 250-350 pages long so it should be an obtainable goal. Even if I don’t make it, the effort and reads will be fun! Here are the main challenges I’m participating in for 2022!


52 Books in 52 Weeks Reading Challenge 2022

|52 Books in 52 Weeks| is an annual challenge made up of 52 unique prompts. Match one book to each prompt for a total of 52 books throughout the year. The goal is to try new authors or genres, push ourselves to read more, read differently, and most importantly… to have fun!

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I’ve really enjoyed poking around The Storygraph’s features so this challenge is great for me! The |Onboarding Reading Challenge| is crafted to encourage users to utilize some of the fun features of the site! This year is focusing using the stats section and “popular now” feature.

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2022 Spicy Romance Challenge

It won’t come as much of a surprise that I adore a bit SPICE. The creator of this challenge (betweenthecovers07) has a similar thought as they pose the question:

What’s a romance book without a little sPiCe?


This is a great way to explore different themes and tropes within adult romances. Age gap, bully, reverse harem, friends to lovers, to sports all the tropeish goodness for readers like yours truly. I’m thoroughly looking forward to diving into this challenge! You can find this challenge |here| on the reading challenge list on The Storygraph
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2022 Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge

Once again, I’m diving into |Beat the Backlist 2022.| You can get all the information you fancy over there from how to do the challenge to the fun prompts!


Are you participating in any reading challenges this year? Any reading goals? Let's chat!

Anonymously, Alana

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