Review: Ruthless King by Meghan March

Posted May 22, 2019 by Alana in Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Romance / 1 Comment

Book Cover Ruthless King by Meghan March

Ruthless King
Meghan March
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Dark Romance
Published: October 2017 

New Orleans belongs to me. 
You don’t know my name, but I control everything you see—and all the things you don’t. 
My reach knows no bounds, and my demands are always met. 
I didn’t need to loan money to a failing family distillery, but it amuses me to have them in my debt. 
To have her in my debt. 
She doesn’t know she caught my attention. 
She should’ve been more careful. 
I’m going to own her. Consume her. Maybe even keep her. 
It’s time to collect what I’m owed. 
Keira Kilgore, you’re now the property of Lachlan Mount.

I selected the audiobook for Ruthless King on a whim as I trolled through my library’s options last week. I tend to have a difficult time with audiobooks as narrators tend to be hit or miss with me. I like when the emotion comes through rather than just a neutral reading. I decided to take a chance because I didn’t mind the gal’s voice and since I’ve committed to trying something new each week, this was my plunge for new experiences!

Anti-heroes can be so fun. The best part about Mount, aside from being deliciously wicked, is the ability to rationalize his behavior. He isn’t just a completely unhinged loon being a menace. At least not to me. I’m really hoping we get a better look into who he is in book two, which I can hardly wait to dive into because that ENDING had me sitting up shouting “WHAT?” and my child and husband staring at me like I had lost my mind. Maybe I did.

Keira “Ke-Ke” was a frustrating character and I’m hoping she experiences some growth in the next book. I wish I liked her character more but she just grated on me during her inner turmoil moments. I did like the fire she showed in the one-on-ones with Mount. I wish she would listen to Magnolia’s advice a little better. Hopefully, I will like her more in the next book.

Overall, Ruthless King snared me and I have found a new author that I adore. Lucky me, the Army Library has plenty of her books and the ones they don’t have I will pick up! With the exception of Keira, I loved the characters and look forward to all the growth as the story progresses. The narrators for the book were good, though we only hear from Joe Arden (Mount) a handful of times. Closing recommendations? Uhm yes, especially if you like the hate to love trope, darker romances, and steamy (and ooh boy are they steamy) sex scenes.

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